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Homesick by Jewels From Th Word

Homesick by Jewels From Th Word
I went off to my freshman year at ORU in 1967 and I was so glad to be away from home. My boyfriend who is now my husband frequently came to Tulsa to bring me home. One weekend I stayed in Tulsa, but I called home. They were eating, laughing, and having fun, without me, and I was suddenly homesick.

I begged Daddy to come get me and bring me home. Saturday morning the whole family drove to Tulsa to get me, but not long after we got home, I was thinking about going back to school in Tulsa.
Now my parents are both in heaven and once again I am homesick, homesick for them and homesick for heaven.
 I’m homesick for the days of family reunions at Mama’s house, eating watermelon out on the porch with our feet dangling down and spitting watermelon seeds into the dirt.
I’m homesick for gathering around Mama for her to pray for us, our family near and far, our friends, the church leaders and pastors,  the people in government, and the president.
I’m homesick for brown beans and cornbread, fried potatoes, fried okra, and sliced tomatoes, topped off by blackberry cobbler and vanilla ice cream.
I’m homesick for gathering around the piano, singing I’ll Fly Away, Amazing Grace, and I’ve Got a Mansion Just Over the Hilltop.
I’m homesick for the Sunday Night Singing at the little church I grew up in.
I’m homesick for the church choir, practicing the Easter cantata for weeks.
I’m homesick for Sunday School where we read from a quarterly, studying the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book.
Mostly I am homesick for Jesus. I look forward to the day when once again we gather around, some of us sitting at His feet, listening to Him talk.
And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:  “Blessed are the poor in spirit. . .” Matthew 5:1-3 NKJV.
I am homesick to hear His voice when He tells me, “well done.”
Lavon Hightower Lewis

Email me at llewis2138@sbcglobal.net
To read more devotionals, go to http://www.jewelsfromtheword.com


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