Helping our hometowns celebrate

Usually, Grand River Dam Authority Police boats are found floating on the waters of Grand Lake or Lake Hudson, but throughout December, you probably saw them floating down Main Street too.

That is because GRDA is a proud participant in Christmas parades all across the service area. That tradition continued in 2020 as our team took part in several “normal” parades, as well as a few others that looked different this year due to Covid-19. In fact, GRDA boats appeared in nearly 30 parades this season, joining our friends and neighbors in communities in Northeast Oklahoma as well as Arkansas and Kansas.

In fact, for many years, our officers and other employees have been helping to make the holidays bright in this way. While our team spends much of the year patrolling and maintaining the waters, producing and transmitting the power, we appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the hometown holiday festivities as well. 

As a proud member of 26 chambers of commerce, economic development and marketing associations across Oklahoma, GRDA is always right at home in Oklahoma hometowns, year-round. Of course, these are our hometowns too. These are the communities where members of our workforce are also coaching little league, volunteering as firemen, responding to emergencies, serving on school boards and giving back in many other ways too. 

So, when it comes time for a hometown celebration, Team GRDA is always ready to take part.

GRDA is Oklahoma’s largest public power utility; fully funded by revenues from electric and water sales instead of taxes. Each day, GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5 E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees and efficiency. 

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