Football by Jewels From The Word

Are you ready for some football?”

When I was in Camp Fire Girls Horizon Club during high school, we invited the football coach to come speak to our club about football. He explained the rules of the game and how it was played, and I can truthfully say, it went right over my head.

I understand that a bunch of guys on two teams face off on a field with two goal-posts, with the purpose of getting the football across the opposite goal line. Am I right so far? Then someone kicks the ball, or throws it, or hikes it between their legs to the guy behind him and they all run and jump on the one carrying the ball.

I was a member of the pep squad so I went to pep rallies, home football games, and some out-of-town games. We admired and looked up to our Vinita high school football boys. The members of our football team were talented football players and some went on to play in college and in the military.

A person doesn’t have to be an expert in the field of football to enjoy the experience.

The Holy Spirit is our coach, telling us what to do, telling us what play to put into operation at the exact moment that it is needed. He signals us through our hearts, our spirits, by the Word of God, the Bible, and by advice from other Christian leaders. He sees the Big Picture and knows what is ahead.  He tells us, “Turn here, Stop! Don’t do that, Do this. If we would listen to the voice of our coach, the Holy Spirit, our lives would be much better off.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.”  I Corinthians 2:12 KJV.

Christians are called to participate, not to watch. We are players on this field, not bench-warmers, in this game of life.

Lavon Hightower Lewis
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Remember this, "Now we have received...the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God."  I Corinthians 2:12 KJV


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