Resist Fear by Jewels From The Word

As I was walking up to the post office the other day, a shadow on the sidewalk over my head caused me to duck my head. Fear rose in my heart as I thought a bird was attacking me. Imagine my surprise and delight when a beautiful Monarch butterfly passed within inches of my face. Then I had to laugh aloud to myself. 

That made me think of the many times when fear tried to grab me. When I had to go back for a second mammogram and then for a biopsy, under anesthetic.  When I heard a news report of a carjacking and murder within a mile of my daughter's home in Oklahoma City. When I failed a test at work and worried I might lose my job.
The person who lives in fear of germs with incessant hand-washing catches the flu, while another doesn't. The mother who overprotects her child sees that child break a leg. The overly cautious driver gets in an accident.
It is typical of all of us to dwell on the bad things that we are facing as if by thinking about the bad things we can make them disappear. We talk and think about our predicament, until it becomes giant, magnified by our own minds. 
When fear attaches itself to your heart and you begin to accept that fear, it opens the door for  those things you fear to happen. Job said, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.” Job 3:25 NKJV.
Resisting the fear closes the door, but just resisting is not enough. You alone are not a match for the enemy.  “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:7-8
When you submit to God, then you have the power to resist the devil and he will have to flee.
Lavon Hightower Lewis
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Remember this: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8


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