When Morning Comes by Jewels From The Word

When you cross the International Date Line, today becomes tomorrow or yesterday. When traveling west to east, for instance, from the island of Tonga to the island of Samoa, which takes two hours by plane, the passenger arrives yesterday, the day before he left. And going from east to west causes a passenger to arrive tomorrow.

Passage of time has been one of the hardest issues for a science fiction writer to deal with. Writing about space travel used to require the reader to suspend his knowledge of science and enter the land of make-believe, but now many of the things sci-fi writers have written about have proven to be scientifically true.

We’ve been told we can’t turn back the clock but in Samoa or Tonga, that isn’t true. You can go back to yesterday. However yesterday will never be the same, and some things can never be changed.

“Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.” Psalms 30:5 NKJV.

When I am crying my eyes out, it seems as though morning will never come. I cannot see the morning sunshine for the clouds of depression hanging over me. Sadness swallows up day after day, leaving me with no tomorrow, only yesterdays. My imagination runs wild, driving me crazy with “what might have been,” but nothing is certain.

Questions of regret. “If I could just go back in time and take back those words.” “We were so happy back then. What happened?” “She was too young to die.” “How could he do that to me?”

But Mama always said, “time changes things.” My Father God is the God of time too. He can roll back time like a scroll and in one instant of time, He can undo the damage that was done. You will always have the memory of what happened, but God will remove the hurt in your heart, if you will trust Him to do it. Time is no match for a great God like ours.
Remember,  morning is always coming and joy comes in the morning.


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