Thanks for Understanding

No shelter or rescue organization can save all the dogs and cats that need a rescue – in their area. And, when people call from another county, town or state - - the answer is “no” because there are too many homeless dogs and cats within a 10 mile radius of any town or home in rural Oklahoma.

If you do pick up an abandoned dog or cat – please understand you’ve accepted a
responsibility to that animal. They’ve had no voice in how they became homeless
and why no one wants them. Every municipality that has a shelter has geographic
limits on the area served. Those towns that have no shelter - - there is no place to take a “found” dog or cat.

First, and foremost, this is a “thanks” to all of you who have called us - - telling us
you’ve picked up – or someone’s dropped off - - - a homeless dog or cat and we
have to explain why we can’t take them….and you understand!!!!!

This is why:

We’re not an open admissions shelter – we are a regional transport hub for 13+
Oklahoma municipal shelters and rescues. Every week, on a rotational basis, they
bring homeless dogs to our facility for safe transport to Dumb Friends League in
Denver. To date, 4,800+ Oklahoma dogs have found a new home in Colorado
because they were on a PAAS Ride-to-Rescue van. IF we accepted a dog that
wasn’t healthy - - 25 -35 dogs wouldn’t go to Colorado - - - and that, in turn,
would mean 25 – 35 that were waiting in line wouldn’t go either.

Cats - - oh my - - cats. There are no regular transports for cats. And I do not see
that being part of a solution, Massive, comprehensive, long term spay/neuter
works. For cats - - - and for dogs.

None of us can say “yes” all the time - - please understand.


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