Working together - - when it seems no one wants to

If you spend any time at all on the internet, watch tv, or read the newspaper – you quickly get the idea that everyone is disagreeing with everyone and there’s no concensus about anything – anywhere.  The tragedy is so little gets done when everyone digs in their heels and refuses to meet in the middle.

This past year I’ve witnessed the exact opposite in rescue and gives me hope for the future.  Our transfer partners willingly share information and work together.

Two years ago, we thought massive out-of-state transport was the best answer.  Today, from experience (and success) we know it is a 4-step process. 1st step- transfer; 2nd step – spay/neuter within a defined geographic parameter; 3rd step – income qualified spay/neuter programs; 4th step – spay/neuter clinic that is affordable for everyone who doesn’t fall in one of the other categories.  It works - - it really does.

Thanks to the Kirkpatrick Foundation, I’m a member of the Save Lives Unite Oklahoma initiative for Oklahoma to be a Humane State for dogs and cats by 2025.

In addition, we can see the positive results from multiple programs aimed at finding homes for homeless Oklahoma dogs and cats, spay/neuter for pets within the Vinita city limits, and a grants so people with income limitations can have their pets “fixed.

When it comes to rescue following a tornado, the Murrah bombing, the fires that ravaged the panhandle – we’re known for our Oklahoma standard.  We can do it with rescue too.


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