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Safety tips for electric blankets

Even though winter has “officially” arrived in Oklahoma, we all know the weather around here can still change quickly. Maybe it is pleasant in the afternoon, but the evenings come with quite a chill. When the temperature does drop, many of us turn up the heat and perhaps even reach for an electric heating pad or electric blanket to stay cozy and warm. If that is part of your routine, the Grand River Dam Authority hopes you will keep these important safety tips in mind (from esfi.org).

  • Did you know heating pads and electric blankets cause almost 500 fires each year? The majority of these fires involve electric blankets that are more than ten years old.
  • There are two types of personal heating appliances, heating pads that are placed directly on the mattress and electric blankets. They are not meant to be used interchangeably or at the same time.
  • Look for dark, charred, or frayed spots or one where the electric cord is cracked or frayed. Replace any worn or old heating pad or electric blanket.
  • Do not allow anything on top of a heating pad or electric blanket when it is in use. When covered by anything, including other blankets or pets, electric blankets may overheat.
  • Never fold electric blankets when in use. Folded or tucked in blankets could overheat and cause a fire.
  • Finally, heating appliances should never be left unattended or used while sleeping.

Please keep these tips in mind and stay warm, and safe, this winter. Happy Holidays from your friends at GRDA!

GRDA is Oklahoma’s largest public power utility, funded by revenues from electric and water sales. GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees and efficiency.


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