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"Rescue a Dog Poem" for October's Adopt-A-Shelter Dog Campaign

"Rescue a Dog Poem" for October's Adopt-A-Shelter Dog Campaign
In celebration of October "Adopt-A-Shelter Dog" month, Second Chance Pet Rescue would like to share a touching poem about Rescue Dogs.  There are many, many reasons why a dog is surrendered to our animal rescue shelter.  Our animals are well cared for while at our shelter, but the mission of Second Chance Pet Rescue is for the rescued animal to find its forever family and home to care for it.  
"A rescue dog will have a tale to tell.  It may be sad or of a life of Hell.  It may be a story of a once loved pup who found himself homeless when a marriage broke up.  Or a faithful companion whose owners passed on and the poor little dog doesn't know where they've gone.  Or of a dog that's been beaten, never had the chance to 'live'; and yet gain his trust, he'll have so much love to give.
A pup that grew out of the cute, cuddly stage has grown big and unruly and is now at 'that age'; so he gets given away.  It's such a shame when it's the lack of training that's really to blame.  Some rescue dogs may be quite old; just needs a nice home out of the cold or a warm cozy bed for weary old bones.  No dog should spend it's last days on its own.
Rescue dogs can be misunderstood, often seen as damaged goods.  But a 'pre-owned' dog has much to offer, and compared to a pup, can be far less bother.
A rescue dog may not know how to play, but a little bit of kindness should show them the way.  Some rescue dogs will have great credentials, other show promise and heaps of potential.  Some need guidance to learn how to trust.  Or others, some training will be a must.  But what you put in, you'll get back tenfold - a loyal friend, with a heart of gold.
He may be pure or mixed breed, but one thing for sure, he'll be in need of a loving home.  Surely with this, he'll stop being so sad. 
A rescue dog is a breed apart.  Please find space for one in your heart!"  Author Unknown.
If you can open up your heart and your home to rescue a homeless animal, please visit Second Chance Pet Rescue located 2 miles east of downtown Grove on Highway 10 or contact the shelter manager at 918-786-7630 or email your adoption inquiries tohsgrove@att.net.  You can help Second Chance Pet Rescue continue its mission to rescue homeless animals by mailing your tax-deductible donation to P.O. Box 451205, Grove, OK  74345.


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