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SC Pet Rescue Receives Grove Rotary Grant for Shelter Sewer System Improvement

Second Chance Pet Rescue Receives Grove Rotary Grant for Shelter Sewer System Improvement

There is no way to talk about this subject in a delicate manner, but the operation of Second Chance Pet Rescue's sewer system is an important part of day-to-day activity at the shelter.  Every day, shelter workers must clean and disinfect all the dog and cat kennels with the animal waste going into the shelter's sewer system.  The animal waste passes through a grinder process to further degrade the matter in a multi-step process so that it can then be received into the city's sewer system. 

Second Chance Pet Rescue's sewer system is over 28 years old, and the volume of processed waste has nearly doubled with the recent completion of the new shelter addition.  The "processing grinder box" had sunk into the ground allowing gravel, dirt and debris to fall into the area, slowly damaging the grinder pump and stopping up the sewer lines.  On many occasions, the 75 pound concrete slab cover had to be removed with a shelter worker helping the process along to keep the system flowing.  As anyone can imagine, this was not a favorite job, but it was critically important to the daily cleaning of the shelter and the functioning of the sewer system.  Additionally, a sewer professional had to be hired 2 to 3 times a year to unclog the sewer, further damaging an already old grinder pump, and adding to costly shelter maintenance expenses.  And these steps were not a permanent solution to the sewer problem.

The shelter's sewer system was badly in need of immediate repair, and funds were needed to address this critical issue of a functioning sewer system..  Second Chance Pet Rescue requested and received a $4,500 Grant from the Grove Rotary Club.  The grant money was used to build up the concrete processing box, construct a workable cleaning grinder mechanism, and to replace the 75 pound concrete slab with a sturdy lid with handles for maintenance.  Work on the shelter sewer system's grinder was completed by Josh Shaddon of 8-Ball Construction, Inc., with input by Grove Ice and Iron helping to build the processing box lid with handles. 

Second Chance Pet Rescue is pleased to announce its process is now flowing smoothly.  Our most sincerest thank you to Grove Rotary Club for coming to our rescue and for helping us continue to believe in Second Chances for all the homeless pets that find their way to our shelter home.


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